The compliment. Such a small but very powerful gesture. And who would have thought that it would crop up on Oxford Street? Walking back from the gym in my much loved (i.e. faded and falling apart) gym clothes, I was greeted with a rare but warming compliment by a fellow walker. ‘Nice jumper’ was all that passed his lips as he walked past me. As for me – I smiled.
And he didn’t stop there. ‘Nice scarf’. ‘Love the tie’. ‘Cool shoes’. This man dished out various compliments to pedestrians as he passed them. Upon registering that the compliment was directed towards them, recipients would in turn smile.
I love this man and his compliment habit. Why? Because he is verbalising the thoughts that often remain just that – thoughts. Now I’m the first to admit that I check out the clothing of fellow pedestrians. And why not - it’s a fashion runway unfolding right in front of you. I am also the first to admit that when I come across an outfit that appeals to me, I would never verbalise my thoughts.
But Mr Compliment Man has taught me a small lesson. Don’t be afraid to throw a few compliments around here and there. After all, everyone loves a little compliment.